
Showing posts from March, 2024

Motion Blur - Photoshop


Action Sequence -6 images

                                     Before                                                             After  

Weekly Vocabulary

  1. Burst Mode: - Definition: Burst mode is a feature found in many digital cameras that allows multiple photos to be taken in rapid succession with just one press of the shutter button. This mode is useful for capturing fast-moving subjects or getting a series of shots to choose the best one from. - Image: [Link to an image showing burst mode in action] 2. Noise: - Definition: In photography, noise refers to the random variations in brightness or color in an image that can reduce its overall quality. It often appears as grainy or speckled texture, especially in low-light conditions or when using high ISO settings. - Image: [Link to an image showing an example of noise in a photograph] 3. FPS (Frames per Second): - Definition: FPS stands for Frames per Second, which is a measurement used to describe the speed at which consecutive images are displayed in a video sequence. In photography, FPS can also refer to the continuous shooting speed of a camera, indicating how many frames it c

Artist of the Week- Jimmy Chin

  1. Jimmy Chin's photography is known for its exceptional technical quality. He demonstrates mastery in capturing stunning images with precise focus, well-balanced exposure, and excellent use of lighting. Chin's attention to detail in technical aspects enhances the overall impact of his photographs. 2. The composition in Jimmy Chin's photography is remarkable. He skillfully arranges elements within the frame to create visually captivating images. Chin often employs composition techniques like leading lines, rule of thirds, and framing to draw the viewer's eye and create a sense of balance and harmony in his photographs. 3. Jimmy Chin's photography is renowned for its ability to tell compelling stories. Through his images, Chin captures moments that convey emotion, adventure, and human connection. His photographs often evoke a sense of wonder, exploration, and resilience, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the narratives he portrays. 4. What makes Jimmy Ch

Puppet Warp GIF


Photographing the Olympic Games

  1. Factors contributing to intense pressure faced by Olympic photographers during the Games include: - Limited Access: Photographers have restricted access to certain areas and events, requiring them to strategically plan their shots. - High Expectations: There is a demand for capturing unique and iconic moments that represent the essence of the Games. - Competitive Environment: With numerous photographers vying for the best shots, there is pressure to stand out among the crowd. - Unpredictable Conditions: Dealing with varying lighting, weather, and fast-paced action adds to the challenge. 2. Technological advancements that have revolutionized sports photography during the Olympics include: - High-Speed Cameras: Capable of capturing fast movements with precision and clarity. - Telephoto Lenses: Allows photographers to zoom in on distant subjects without compromising image quality. - Wireless Transfers: Enables quick sharing of images for real-time coverage. - Digital Editing Softw

Film Review

  1. The Albumen Print "The Albumen Print" is a visually captivating film that delves into the history and technique of albumen printing in photography. The film provides a detailed exploration of the process involved in creating albumen prints, showcasing the intricate steps and artistic nuances that contribute to the unique aesthetic of this traditional photographic method. Viewers are taken on a journey through time, learning about the significance of albumen prints in the evolution of photography and appreciating the beauty of this classic technique. The film successfully combines educational content with artistic flair, making it an engaging and informative watch for photography enthusiasts and history buffs alike. 2. Argus "Argus" is a thought-provoking film that navigates the complexities of surveillance and privacy in the digital age. Through a gripping narrative and compelling characters, the film explores the ethical dilemmas surrounding surveillance te

Artist of the Week- Eadward Muybridge

  1. How is the technical quality? Technical quality refers to how well the artist executed the technical aspects of the artwork. This includes factors like the use of color, brushwork, perspective, proportion, and overall craftsmanship. To assess the technical quality of an artwork, look for details such as smooth brushstrokes, accurate proportions of objects, realistic shading, and precise use of colors. Pay attention to how well these elements are integrated and how they contribute to the overall visual impact of the piece. 2. How's the composition? Composition in art refers to how the elements within an artwork are arranged and organized. A strong composition can lead the viewer's eye around the piece and create a sense of balance, harmony, and visual interest. When evaluating the composition of an artwork, consider factors such as the placement of objects, use of negative space, balance between light and dark areas, and overall visual flow. Look for elements like leadin

Line Animation


Weekly Vocabulary - 3 terms

  1. Zoopraxiscope- The zoopraxiscope is an early device for displaying moving images and is considered an important predecessor of the movie projector. It was conceived by photographic pioneer Eadweard Muybridge in 1879. Muybridge used the projector in his public lectures from 1880 to 1895 2.Kinetoscope- an early motion picture   device in which the images were viewed through a p eephole . 3.Chronophotography- Chronophotography is a photographic technique from the Victorian era which captures a number of phases of movements. The best known chrono-photography works were mostly intended for the scientific study of locomotion, to discover practical information for animal handlers and/or as reference material for artists.