
Showing posts from April, 2024

Weekly Vocab

1. : Macro photography is a type of close-up photography that involves capturing images of small subjects at a very close range. In macro photography, the subject is typically photographed at a magnification ratio of 1:1 or higher, allowing for intricate details to be captured in the image. This type of photography requires specialized equipment such as macro lenses or extension tubes to achieve high levels of magnification. 2. : Working distance refers to the distance between the front of the lens and the subject being photographed in macro photography. It is important in macro photography as it impacts the composition of the image and the amount of light that reaches the subject. Different lenses have varying working distances, with longer working distances providing more space between the lens and the subject, which can be beneficial when photographing shy or easily disturbed subjects. 3. : Focus stacking is a technique used in macro photography to achieve a greater depth of fiel

Studio Macro- Top 5 images


Artist of the Week - Andreas Feininger

  1. The technical quality of Feininger's photography is exceptional. He was known for his meticulous attention to detail and precise execution in capturing his subjects. Feininger's photographs are sharp, well-exposed, and demonstrate a deep understanding of light and shadow. His use of contrast and tonal range contributes to the overall technical excellence of his work. 2. In terms of composition, Feininger was a master at creating visually striking images. He often utilized strong geometric shapes, leading lines, and careful framing to compose his photographs. His compositions are balanced, dynamic, and draw the viewer's eye to key elements within the frame. Feininger's understanding of composition enhances the impact and visual appeal of his photographs. 3. What I find most interesting about Feininger's work is his ability to blend technical precision with artistic creativity. While his photographs exhibit a high level of technical skill, they also convey a se



Still Image / 3 -5 second Video- Cinemagraph


Artist of the Week Jaime Beck and Kevin Burg

  1. Technical Quality : - For Woodburytype: - The technical quality of Woodburytype prints is highly regarded for their precision and clarity. The process allowed for intricate details and a sharp image reproduction, showcasing a high level of technical skill. - For the Pigment Process: - The technical quality of works using the Pigment Process can vary depending on the method used. Hand-coloring may exhibit more artistic flair and uniqueness, while printing with colored inks can provide consistent and vibrant results. 2. Composition : - Woodburytype: - The composition in Woodburytype prints often emphasizes the subject's details and textures due to the high level of clarity and sharpness. The relief images used in the process contribute to a visually appealing composition that highlights the subject's features. - Pigment Process: - In works utilizing the Pigment Process, the composition can be enhanced by the addition of color. Colors can draw attention to specific elements

Film Response - Photographic Process Series

  1. Woodburytype : - Explain that Woodburytype is a photographic reproduction process that uses a relief image to create a print. - Mention that it was a popular method in the 19th century for producing high-quality photographic prints. - Discuss the steps involved in creating a Woodburytype print, such as making a gelatin relief and transferring it to paper. - Highlight any unique characteristics or qualities of Woodburytype prints, like their clarity and detail. 2. Pigment Process : - Describe the Pigment Process as a method of adding color to photographs or prints. - Explain the different techniques or materials used in the Pigment Process, such as hand-coloring or printing with colored inks. - Discuss how the Pigment Process enhances or alters the appearance of a photograph, adding depth or vibrancy to the image. - Provide examples of famous artists or photographers who have utilized the Pigment Process in their work.

Film Response - Anand Varma

  In the National Geographic series episode featuring photographer Anand Varma, viewers are taken on a captivating journey into the world of wildlife photography. Varma's unique approach to capturing stunning images of nature, especially insects, showcases his dedication to showcasing the beauty and importance of these often overlooked creatures. Through his lens, viewers are able to see the intricate details and behaviors of insects in a way that inspires awe and appreciation for the natural world. Varma's work not only highlights the artistic side of photography but also serves as a powerful tool for education and conservation, shedding light on the importance of biodiversity and environmental stewardship. His passion for his craft shines through in each photograph, making this episode a must-watch for anyone interested in photography, nature, or conservation.

Artist of the Week- Anand Varma

  1. the technical quality of a photograph, we look at factors like focus, exposure, sharpness, and overall clarity. A well-exposed image with clear focus and sharp details generally indicates good technical quality. Similarly, proper lighting, appropriate depth of field, and accurate white balance contribute to technical excellence in photography. 2.Composition refers to how elements are arranged within the frame of the photograph. A well-composed image typically follows the rule of thirds, leading lines, symmetry, framing, and other composition techniques. A balanced composition guides the viewer's eye through the image and creates visual interest and harmony. Paying attention to elements like balance, framing, symmetry, and leading lines helps in creating a strong composition in photography. 3.When evaluating whether a photographer tells a story through their work, consider if the image conveys emotions, evokes a narrative, or captures a moment that sparks curiosity or intrigu

6 action images one canvas
