
Showing posts from May, 2024

Clone Stamp


Weekly Challenge Architecture


3 Projects - One canvas


How to create a glitch effect in Photoshop


Double Exposure Photoshop


Duotone Effect


Artist of the Week- Julius Shulman

  1. The technical quality of the content is excellent. The artist demonstrates a strong understanding of various techniques such as shading, perspective, and proportion. The lines are clean, the colors are vibrant, and the details are well-defined. Overall, the artwork shows a high level of skill and precision in its execution. 2. In terms of composition, the artist has a good grasp of design principles. The elements within the artwork are arranged in a balanced and visually appealing way. The use of space, proportion, and focal points is effective in guiding the viewer's eye across the piece. The composition creates a sense of harmony and unity, enhancing the overall impact of the artwork. 3. One interesting aspect of the artist's work is their unique style. The artist brings a fresh perspective to familiar subjects, offering a new interpretation that captivates the viewer. The use of creative concepts, imaginative storytelling, or innovative techniques sets the artist apar

Artist of the Week - Andy Warhol.

1. The technical quality of the content is excellent. The artist demonstrates a strong understanding of various techniques such as shading, perspective, and proportion. The lines are clean, the colors are vibrant, and the details are well-defined. Overall, the artwork shows a high level of skill and precision in its execution. 2. In terms of composition, the artist has a good grasp of design principles. The elements within the artwork are arranged in a balanced and visually appealing way. The use of space, proportion, and focal points is effective in guiding the viewer's eye across the piece. The composition creates a sense of harmony and unity, enhancing the overall impact of the artwork. 3. One interesting aspect of the artist's work is their unique style. The artist brings a fresh perspective to familiar subjects, offering a new interpretation that captivates the viewer. The use of creative concepts, imaginative storytelling, or innovative techniques sets the artist apart

Film Review-Tom Carrolll's Lost Photographs of the rise of Pro Surfing

  1. Tom Carroll was inspired to travel the world and capture moments through photography by his passion for surfing and the desire to document the rise of professional surfing. He wanted to showcase the beauty and excitement of the surfing world through his lens, capturing the essence of the sport and the unique experiences of surfers around the globe. 2. Tom describes the importance of having physical photographs on display as a way to preserve memories and create a tangible connection to the captured moments. He believes that physical photographs evoke a sense of nostalgia and authenticity that digital images may lack. Displaying photographs allows viewers to engage more deeply with the images, forming a personal connection to the stories they tell and the emotions they convey. Tom values the tactile experience of holding a physical photograph in hand, appreciating the craftsmanship and artistry that goes into creating a printed image.

Weekly Photography challenge - Macro


2 Triptychs
